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Explore the depths of your inner self and find the answers you seek through the quantum healing tools of
regression hypnosis, energy work, and the Akasha.


Beyond Quantum Healing [BQH] Past Life Regression


Reiki + Alchemic Symbols + Light-Coded Energy


Quantum Galactic Channeled Akashic Reading


After Session Integration + Spiritual Journey Support

Experience a journey of self-discovery and expanded awareness with Alternative Being Quantum Healing techniques.

Greetings with Love! My name is Christina.

I am the owner and founder of Alternative Being Quantum Healing. I specialize in quantum healing past life regression hypnosis, galactic akashic readings, and alchemic energy work.


It is my mission to assist those who seek rediscovery of personal truth and spiritual sovereignty so they can remember WHO they are and WHY they’re here for this time of great evolutionary shifts. I help connect others to their higher self and integrate the wisdom from their multidimensional aspects allowing for a higher state of BEing to exist. This is who we really are.

It is my passion to empower and assist others in breaking free from constructs that keep them restricted and unknown to their true essence, abilities, and potential. When we expand our awareness and step into our power through self responsibility, healing, and reprogramming, we can then create and co-create the way we were always meant to. We are Creator Beings.

We are Divinity in Form. We are Love. We are Light. We are.

Cierra H.

BQH Hypnosis Session

“Christina held such an amazing space! She allowed me to bring in my highest guidance easily! I also really liked how she summarized the information I was bringing through. I would absolutely recommend!"


"Going Within and Self Responsibility are the Keys to Unlocking
Your Authentic BEing and Unlimited Potential."

~ Alternative Being with Christina ~

You know there's something more, but what is it?
Why do you experience the things you do?
Who are you, really
What is your purpose in this life?

What would you do if you discovered you had unrestricted access to the answers and knowledge of the universe and beyond, without the use of modern technology?

What if you discovered that the Human Body is a technology itself?

As we navigate these fast-shifting times it is important now more than ever to rediscover who you are and what you’re capable of.

This involves your ability to self heal and create and co-create the reality you wish to exist in.

What if I told you that you have control over this?

That you are not a victim of happenstance.

That your experiences are not only powerful teachers but they lend an idea of your capability to transcend your circumstance and expand your awareness.

To create the path and timeline you were always meant to as the Creator Being that you are.

We don’t need anything outside of ourselves.

WE are the technology.

This information is connected to the chaos that is manifesting within our current reality, but not in the way you may know.

Because we simply don’t remember and for many reasons we have been directed away from such remembrance as individuals and as a collective.

This is the design of societal structure and HIERARCHY ideologies.

Leaving us dependent on others and systems that may or may not have our best interests in mind and heart.

So what can we do?

Using tools like regression hypnosis, deep healing, and looking at the Akasha can help bring us back to who we are.

We have been programmed at the deepest levels to keep us far away from this exploration of self.

As this exploration leads to us back to the healing which is required on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

Required to hear your inner wisdom.

Required to re-establish your relationship with self at the deepest levels.

Required to empower and liberate you from fear based belief systems.

Which allows us to elevate our perspective and perception.

Beyond our personal circumstance and experience.

Beyond intergenerational trauma passed down through epigenetics.

Beyond societal and cultural programming.

This expands beyond this space time, time space.

We are not what we have been taught.

We have been indoctrinated.

Now is the time to pierce the veil... In fact, tear it down!

Now is the space where you are supported more than ever.

You see, this has happened before.

Life is cyclical. Evolution is cyclical.

You can witness this in every facet of creation.

We see this in the macro and micro of everything.

But what does this mean to you?

Delve into your consciousness. Explore your memories.

Expand your consciousness. Expand your awareness.

Rediscover your innate connection to everything, how it effects every aspect of you and how you choose to experience.

Truth is coming to the surface. The "light is shining in the dark" for us to see.

It is a choice, however.


A personal one that you must make for yourself.

As you are by nature, a free-willed sovereign Being.

You are your own healer. You are your own great teacher.

And I’m here to tell you that this is not your first time…

And if you’re still reading this, I think there’s a part of you that knows…

These truths, your truth, is vibrating into your awareness as your natural evolution process is happening right now.

Wherever you are on your own soul’s evolution determines what you are able to perceive.

But if you’re reading this… some part of you is wanting you to go deeper.

Is wanting you to rediscover. Remember.

That version of you who has been waiting for you all along.

But it's not a race as there is no time in the sense that we know.

Wherever you’re at.

It is perfect for you.

There are absolutely no mistakes.

There are absolutely no deviations from what you need to see. To know. To experience.

To bring you back to yourself.

To bring you back to the truth.

To bring you back to your POWER.

You see, WE are the technology that the hierarchy doesn’t want you to remember.

Doesn’t want you to activate.

Doesn’t want you to become conscious and make conscious choice.


Because the nature of the hierarchy will crumble.

It is crumbling.

We see this now as many more have begun to wake up to the domination and control systems.

As we tune back into ourselves, into our heart space.

Because our heart center is a magnetic power grid.

It is linked to our intuition.

It is the portal to who we really are and of our manifested experiences.

It allows that aspect of our ourselves to create and co-create in this reality with intention, love, truth, and wisdom.

You see, we are multidimensional Beings.

We are not Human in the sense we have been told. No.

We are in fact, “spirit” or unlimited energy.

We are a faction of Source itself.

We are having a human experience to teach us. To expand us.

And you see many more speaking about this than ever before in this time space.

We have been suppressed intentionally.

Shutting down our imagination.

We have been mislead.

But we are NOT victims.

We have relinquished our power.

We have forgone our sovereignty.

And it is a choice.

It may not be our fault but it is our responsibility.

We have forgotten we are MASTER CREATORS.

We have forgotten we are SOURCE.

We are LOVE.

We are LIGHT.

How can we come back into our power?

How can we remember who we are at the deepest levels?

How can we make sense of all this and our role in it?

What does it mean?

If you feel called to this information, then you are on the path to finding these truths again.

If you know there’s something more or something’s not quite right, then you are on the path to finding these truths again.

If you know that you need healing and restoration beyond what is made available to us in our societal system, then now is the time for you to find your truth again.

I have walked and am walking this path myself.

I am remembering.

I am invoking the full essence of who I am into this incarnation. This space. This time.


And I feel called, and honestly have ALWAYS felt called, to aid in the revealing of this “something more”.

These truths.

Our true “history" aka "his-story”.

The true RECORD of all happenings which expands beyond this place. This time. This space.

And I am to aid others in finding this truth for themselves.

We are all evolving.

Not exactly in the sense we have been told.

Yes, as a species we are changing. But it’s more than that...

And not all of this is welcomed.


Not all of this is organic.

Insert transhumanism for example. Placing technology into our vessels under the guise that it will advance humanity more than any other thing.

The “awakening” and awareness is the evolution.

Evolution of ALL.

Because this is who we are.

Because we are interconnected to everything.

Because we are factions of Source itself.

Wherever you are on this expansion of self, expansion of soul, expansion of all…

This is exactly where you are supposed to be.

Connection to your inner wisdom and highest aspect of self is key.

Regression hypnosis is a valuable tool in supporting this process as it allows your conscious mind and programming to stand down.

A tool like this allows access to your subconscious self/higher self through the exploration of your own intention and power as a Master Creator Being.

The Akashic Records are also supportive of this expansion.

Every thought, word, and deed throughout the infinity of creation is imprinted within the quantum field.

And we can tune into these pockets of information to learn about our soul and soul journey.

So you can access your multidimensional aspects.

So you can deprogram and reprogram your technology (your physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies).

So you can access deep healing.

So you can tune back into your intuition. Your knowing. 

Allowing great shifts to occur in the recognition of your own creation processes.

Giving you your power back.

Offering opportunity for your authentic self to come forward.

Presenting truth in its purity.


Complimentary Session & Services Consultation

15-minute Complimentary Consultation


You are invited to a free 15-minute consultation prior to booking a full session. I am happy to go over any questions you may have. This is a great opportunity to find out how I can best assist you and make sure I am the best practitioner for your desired outcome.


To book a consultation, click the link below or email me directly at

Please include a few days and times of your availability or I can send you my calendlly scheduler so you are easily able to choose a date and time best for you.


Consult calls are through the zoom app and you will receive a zoom link once you are booked. 

Looking forward to meeting! Talk soon!

Investment: Free

Abstract Futuristic Background


For more information or questions about any offered services, or to schedule a free consultation, simply fill out the contact form and I will reach out to you shortly.

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Yours in Love, Light, Truth & Wisdom,


Thank you!

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